Steele Newsreel logoJuly 2007

The building below on the right is the William Cameron Townsend Building, named after the founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators. He quickly saw the need for transportation and technology to support the Bible translation efforts. He started "Jungle Aviation and Radio Services," JAARS HQor JAARS, to service the needs of the missionaries in the field. Over time JAARS has added computers, housing, and building trades to support missionaries around the world.

On July 12, we received the news that we have been accepted by JAARS! We are praising the Lord. What will we be doing at JAARS? Wayne will be working in Vernacular Media Services or VMS. The goal of VMS is "Communicating God's Word via sight and sound." As strange as it might sound, almost two-thirds of the world's population cannot or will not read in order to learn. They prefer to learn through stories and other oral means. VMS provides audio and visual tools to missionaries in the field via the SPARKS website. Wayne will help manage the website in terms of content and technology. It looks like Linda might start out by being the administrative assistant for the Assistant Director of Human Our apartmentResources.

We plan to visit Waxhaw in September for 6-8 eight weeks so Wayne can attend the VMS training class. While there, we will be staying in a two bedroom one bath furnished apartment on the JAARS campus (left). Out kitchen windowThe picture to the right is the view from the kitchen window of the apartment we stayed in during our visit in June.

We plan to put our house up for sale before we leave San Diego. Since we could not find a suitable house to rent in Waxhaw, it looks like we may have to work out of San Diego for the time being.

Please pray that God will give us wisdom regarding our next steps. Specifically, pray for wisdom in preparing to sell our house, and that God would provide the buyer of His choice in His timing.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer. We really appreciate it. We will provide more details next month. If you have prayer requests, we would be happy to hear about them and pray with you.

In Christ's Love,

Wayne & Linda Steele
[email protected]